- Read & write digital pins.
- Read & write PWM pins.
- Control SERVO motors.
- Read analog pins.
- Charts: for monitoring sensors data.
- LCD: you can send any data from Arduino to your mobile phone.
- Terminal: you can send any data from mobile phone to your Arduino.
- Super easy user interface.
- Remember last status of the pins.
- Change the mode of the pin (Output, PWM, SERVO or Input).
- Automatic connect to Arduino.
- Ability to rename the label of each pin.
- Smart Home.
- Automation.
- Hoppy projects.
- Schools & university projects.
- Remote control.
- Robots control.
- Any of Arduino (Uno, Mega, Leonardo, Feather32u4 BLE)
- Bluetooth Module:
- iOS useres(BLE only e.g. Adafruit Bluefruit, HM-10, CC2541, TI, Redbear, Seeeduino, or any hardware with a "Serial Like" service.)
- Android (Classic or BLE e.g. HC-06,HC-05, Adafruit Bluefruit).
Check this youtube to see in real world:
- https://youtu.be/EmQELmq86A4
- Baca & menulis pin digital.
- Baca & menulis pin PWM.
- Kontrol SERVO motor.
- Baca pin analog.
- Charts: untuk memantau data yang sensor.
- LCD: Anda dapat mengirim data dari Arduino ke ponsel Anda.
- Terminal: Anda dapat mengirimkan data dari ponsel ke Arduino Anda.
- user interface Super mudah.
- Ingat status terakhir dari pin.
- Mengubah modus pin (Output, PWM, SERVO atau Input).
- Automatic terhubung ke Arduino.
- Kemampuan untuk mengubah nama label masing-masing pin.
- Rumah Pintar.
- Otomatisasi.
- proyek Hoppy.
- Sekolah & Universitas proyek.
- Remote control.
- Robot mengontrol.
- Setiap Arduino (Uno, mega, Leonardo, Feather32u4 BLE)
- Bluetooth Module:
- iOS Useres (BLE hanya mis Adafruit Bluefruit, HM-10, CC2541, TI, Redbear, Seeeduino, atau perangkat keras dengan "Serial Seperti" layanan.)
- Android (Klasik atau BLE misalnya HC-06, HC-05, Adafruit Bluefruit).
Periksa youtube ini untuk melihat di dunia nyata:
- https://youtu.be/EmQELmq86A4